Q3 2024
FRED A. BOSWINKLE—retired member of LOCAL 68. Brother Boswinkle retired in 2015 after 41 years of service with the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad, Conrail, and the Norfolk Southern Railway. Brother Boswinkle was a Signal Maintainer at Hammond, Indiana, at the time of his retirement. Brother Boswinkle served as Local Chairman and Recording-Financial Secretary. HUGH P. CAMPBELL—retired member of LOCAL 18. Brother Campbell retired in 2023 after 36 years of service with Amtrak. Brother Campbell was a Safety Liaison at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at the time of his retirement. Brother Campbell served as First Vice President, Local Trustee, Local Chairman, General Committee Trustee, and Vice General Chairman. LEE M. DAVIDSON—retired member of LOCAL 16. Brother Davidson retired in 2018 after 29 years of service with CSX Transportation. Brother Davidson was a Signalman at Tampa, Florida, at the time of his retirement. ARTHUR G. FOGNANI—retired member of LOCAL 24. Brother Fognani retired in 2006 after 20 years of service with the Denver and Rio Grande Western, Southern Pacific, and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Fognani was a Signalman at Grand Junction, Colorado, at the time of his retirement. RICHARD J. HEISLER—retired member of LOCAL 154. Brother Heisler retired in 1997 after 44 years of service with the Great Northern and Burlington Northern Railroads, and the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Heisler was a Signal Maintainer at Devils Lake, North Dakota, at the time of his retirement. HOWARD “SKIP” F. HUSTON—retired member of LOCAL 104. Brother Huston retired in 2002 after 30 years of service with the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Huston was a Signal Maintainer at Los Angeles, California, at the time of his retirement. Brother Huston is a U.S. Marine Corps. Veteran. RICHARD “RICK” L. JACKSON—retired member of LOCAL 72. Brother Jackson retired in 2008 after 37 years of service with the Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Jackson was an Electronic Signal Technician at Jefferson City, Missouri, at the time of his retirement. Brother Jackson is a U.S. Navy Veteran. JOHN W. KELLEY, JR.—retired member of LOCAL 238. Brother Kelley retired in 2015 after 39 years of service with Conrail and CSX Transportation. Brother Kelley was a Test Maintainer at Washington, D.C., at the time of his retirement. Brother Kelley served as Local Trustee. PHILLIP “PHIL” E. KOMANSKI—retired member of LOCAL 183. Brother Komanski retired in 2011 after 42 years of service with the Illinois Central Railroad and Metra. Brother Komanski was a Signal Testman at Chicago, Illinois, at the time of his retirement. DAVID “CHRIS” C. MILLS—active member of LOCAL 49. Brother Mills had 25 years of service with the Norfolk Southern Railway. Brother Mills was a Construction Gang Foreman at the Southern Western Lines District at the time of his passing. Brother Mills served as Local Chairman. DENNIS “COWBOY” C. OSBORNE—retired member of LOCAL 94. Brother Osborne retired in 2015 after 18 years of service with CSX Transportation. Brother Osborne was a Signal Foreman at the time of his retirement. ROBERT “MITCH” M. ROE—retired member of LOCAL 136. Brother Roe retired in 2005 after 30 years of service with the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway and CSX Transportation. Brother Roe was a Signal Maintainer at South Shore, Kentucky, at the time of his retirement. Brother Roe served as Recording-Financial Secretary. Brother Roe is a U.S. Navy Veteran. EDGAR R. SANDERS, JR.—retired member of LOCAL 49. Brother Sanders retired in 1993 after 42 years of service with the Alabama Great Southern Railroad and the Norfolk Southern Railway. Brother Sanders was a Signal Maintainer at Warner Robins, Georgia, at the time of his retirement. Brother Sanders served as Local Chairman. GEORGE A. SCHISLER—retired member of LOCAL 155. Brother Schisler retired in 2006 after 40 years of service with the Union Pacific Railroad. Brother Schisler was a Signal Maintainer at Hinkle, Oregon, at the time of his retirement. Brother Schisler served as Local First Vice President and Local President. Brother Schisler is a U.S. Army Veteran. DORRANCE W. SEAMAN, JR.—retired member of LOCAL 56. Brother Seaman retired in 1998 after 25 years of service with the Long Island Rail Road. Brother Seaman was a Signal Maintainer at Babylon, New York, at the time of his retirement. Brother Seaman is a U.S. Marine Corp and U.S. Navy Veteran. ASHWIN J. SHAH—retired member of LOCAL 102. Brother Shah retired in 2014 after 28 years of service with the New Jersey Transit and Amtrak. Brother Shah was a C&S Signalman at Linden, New Jersey, at the time of his retirement. JAROLD “JERRY” B. SITTON—retired member of LOCAL 161. Brother Sitton retired in 2000 after 44 years of service with the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Sitton was a Signal Maintainer at La Junta, Colorado, at the time of his retirement. HAROLD M. STEINER—retired member of LOCAL 84. Brother Steiner retired in 2011 after 32 years of service with the New Jersey Transit. Brother Steiner was a Signal Inspector at Woodridge, New Jersey, at the time of his retirement. Brother Steiner is a U.S. Marine Corps. Veteran. DARNELL TALBERT—active member of LOCAL 130. Brother Talbert had 3 years of service with the Union Pacific Railroad. Brother Talbert was a Signal Maintainer at Berkeley, Illinois, at the time of his passing. DON G. THOMAS—retired member of LOCAL 10. Brother Thomas retired in 1991 after 44 years of service with the Pennsylvania Railroad and Conrail. Brother Thomas was a Signal Maintainer at Delphos, Ohio, at the time of his retirement. Brother Thomas is a U.S. Army Veteran. ROBERT “BOB” M. WORK—retired member of LOCAL 80. Brother Work retired in 1991 after 34 years of service with the New York Central Railroad and Conrail. Brother Work was an Electronic Specialist at Selkirk, New York, at the time of his retirement. Brother Work served as Recording-Financial Secretary. Brother Work is a U.S. Navy Veteran. Q2 2024
WILLIAM “BILL” E. ANDERSON Retired member of LOCAL 24. Brother Anderson retired in 2007 after 37 years of service with the Denver & Rio Grande Western, Southern Pacific, and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Anderson was a Signal Maintainer at Grand Junction, Colorado, at the time of his retirement. RAYMOND “RAY” I. ANDREWS Retired member of LOCAL 62. Brother Andrews retired in 2010 after 34 years of service with the Providence & Worcester Railroad. Brother Andrews was a Tamper Operator at the time of his retirement. Brother Andrews served as Recording-Financial Secretary. RONALD “RONNIE” K. BAKER Retired member of LOCAL 49. Brother Baker retired in 2013 after 40 years of service with the Central of Georgia and Norfolk Southern Railways. Brother Baker was a Signalman with a System Signal Construction Gang at the time of his retirement. Brother Baker served as Local First Vice President, Local Second Vice President, and Local Trustee. LAVERN B. BLACKBURN Retired member of LOCAL 188. Brother Blackburn retired in 2002 after 38 years of service with the Great Northern Railroad and BNSF Railway Company. Brother Blackburn was a Signal Foreman at Everett, Washington, at the time of his retirement. Brother Blackburn served as Local President and Local Chairman. WILLIAM “BILL” A. BOUTTE’ Retired member of LOCAL 99. Brother Boutte’ retired in 2005 after 32 years of service with the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Boutte’ was an Electronic Technician at Houston, Texas, at the time of his retirement. Brother Boutte’ served as Recording-Financial Secretary. Brother Boutte’ is a U.S. Navy Veteran. WILLIAM “BILL” F. COX Retired member of LOCAL 141. Brother Cox retired in 1999 after 43 years of service with the Rock Island, Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas, and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Cox was a Signal Maintenance Foreman at El Reno, Oklahoma, at the time of his retirement. PHILLIP W. DARITY Retired member of LOCAL 185. Brother Darity retired in 2010 after 30 years of service with the Kansas City Southern Railway. Brother Darity was a Signal Maintainer at Sulphur Springs, Texas, at the time of his retirement. Brother Darity served as Local Chairman, Local President, Local First Vice President, Local Second Vice President, and Local Trustee. Brother Darity is a U.S. Army Veteran. ARTHUR “CHIP” E. DeNULLY Retired member of LOCAL 84. Brother DeNully retired in 2016 after 41 years of service with the Erie Lackawanna Railway and New Jersey Transit. Brother DeNully was an Inspector at the time of his retirement. RUDOLPH “RUDY” GOMEZ Retired member of LOCAL 10. Brother Gomez retired in 2009 after 35 years of service with the Penn Central Transportation Company, Conrail, and Norfolk Southern Railway. Brother Gomez was a Signal Maintainer at Detroit, Michigan, at the time of his retirement. DONALD R. HOSTETLER Retired member of LOCAL 55. Brother Hostetler retired in 2005 after 35 years of service with the Norfolk & Western and Norfolk Southern Railways. Brother Hostetler was a Signal Maintainer at Andrews, Indiana, at the time of his retirement. LeROY “BUTCH” I. JESSEN Retired member of LOCAL 226. Brother Jessen retired in 1989 after 45 years of service with the Milwaukee Road and Soo Line Railroads. Brother Jessen was a Signal Maintainer at Sparta, Wisconsin, at the time of his retirement. Brother Jessen served as Local President and Local Trustee. SCOTT P. JUNE Active member of LOCAL 13. Brother June had 12 years of service with CSX Transportation Company. Brother June was a Lead Signal Maintainer at Louisville, Kentucky, at the time of his passing. Brother June served as Local Chairman and Local Trustee. THOMAS “TOM” J. LARKIN Retired member of LOCAL 62. Brother Larkin retired in 2013 after 34 years of service with the Providence & Worcester Railroad. Brother Larkin was a Locomotive Electrician at Worcester, Massachusetts, at the time of his retirement. Brother Larkin served as Recording-Financial Secretary. Brother Larkin is a U.S. Coast Guard Veteran. KENNETH “KENNY” R. MAGNETT Retired member of LOCAL 8. Brother Magnett retired in 2006 after 42 years of service with the Union Pacific Railroad. Brother Magnett was a Relief Signal Maintainer at Belvue, Kansas, at the time of his retirement. Brother Magnett served as Local Trustee. CLARENCE H. MINIX Retired member of LOCAL 99. Brother Minix retired in 2020 after 42 years of service with the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Minix was a Signal Foreman with a Zone Signal Construction Gang at the time of his retirement. RONALD “RON” F. MITDAL Retired member of LOCAL 154. Brother Mitdal retired in 1995 after 43 years of service with the Great Northern and Burlington Northern Railroads. Brother Mitdal was a C.T.C. Signal Maintainer at Campbell, Minnesota, at the time of his retirement. Brother Mitdal is a U.S. Army Veteran. SCOTT R. RENNINGER Retired member of LOCAL 57. Brother Renninger retired in 2017 after 42 years of service with the Lehigh Valley Railroad and the Norfolk Southern Railway. Brother Renninger was a Signal Maintainer at Reading, Pennsylvania, at the time of his retirement. Brother Renninger served as Recording-Financial Secretary and on the Local Grievance Committee. ELLIS SMITH Retired member of LOCAL 228. Brother Smith retired in 1998 after 27 years of service with the Norfolk Southern Railway. Brother Smith was a Gang Signalman at the time of his retirement. Q1 2024
RICHARD G. BRINGUEL Retired member of LOCAL 153. Brother Bringuel retired in 1994 after 43 years of service with the Southern Pacific Railroad. Brother Bringuel was a Signal Maintainer at San Jose, California, at the time of his retirement. Brother Bringuel served as Local President and Recording-Financial Secretary. GUY S. CRABILL, II Retired member of LOCAL 103. Brother Crabill retired in 1987 after 36 years of service with the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and Burlington Northern Railroads. Brother Crabill was a General CTC Maintainer at St. Joseph, Missouri, at the time of his retirement. Brother Crabill is a U.S. Army Air Force Veteran. GEORGE “BOBBY” R. CAMPBELL, JR. Active member of LOCAL 16. Brother Campbell had 33 years of service with CSX Transportation. Brother Campbell was a Signal Shop Foreman at Savannah, Georgia, at the time of his passing. LYNN C. DURRANT Retired member of LOCAL 179. Brother Durrant retired in 2004 after 32 years of service with the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Durrant was a Signal Maintainer at Fernley, Nevada, at the time of his retirement. Brother Durrant is a U.S. Army Veteran. HARRY E. GAW Retired member of LOCAL 55. Brother Gaw retired in 1990 after 26 years of service with the Wabash Railroad, and Norfolk & Western and Norfolk Southern Railways. Brother Gaw was a Signalman at the time of his retirement. Brother Gaw is a U.S. Army Veteran. MERLE L. GREENE Retired member of LOCAL 1. Brother Greene retired in 1994 after 40 years of service with the Pennsylvania Railroad and Conrail. Brother Greene was a Signal Maintainer at the time of his retirement. Brother Greene is a U.S. Marines Veteran. MANUEL J. GUZMAN Retired member of LOCAL 121. Brother Guzman retired in 2020 after 21 years of service with the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Guzman was a Signalman at the time of his retirement. Brother Guzman is a U.S. Army Veteran. LEONARD “BUZ” A. HAGEMAN Retired member of LOCAL 172. Brother Hageman retired in 2002 after 43 years of service with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, and the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Hageman was a Signal Maintainer at Williams, Arizona, at the time of his retirement. TIMOTHY “TIMMY” B. LAVERY, SR. Active member of LOCAL 130. Brother Lavery had 5 years of service with the Union Pacific Railroad. Brother Lavery was a Signal Foreman at Berkeley, Illinois, at the time of his passing. JOSE “JOE” M. LOPEZ Retired member of LOCAL 99. Brother Lopez retired in 2013 after 34 years of service with the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Lopez was a Signal Foreman at the time of his retirement. Brother Lopez is a U.S. Air Force Veteran. MICHAEL “MIKE” M. MAYFIELD Retired member of LOCAL 41. Brother Mayfield retired in 2002 after 39 years of service with the Pennsylvania Railroad, Penn Central Transportation Company, Conrail, and CSX Transportation. Brother Mayfield was a Train Control Maintainer at Effingham, Illinois, at the time of his retirement. Brother Mayfield served as Local President, Recording-Financial Secretary, and on the Grievance Committee. Brother Mayfield is a U.S. Army Veteran. ARTHUR “CHAMP” S. McDONALD, JR. Retired member of LOCAL 8. Brother McDonald retired in 2017 after 39 years of service with the Union Pacific Railroad. Brother McDonald was an Electronic Technician at Council Bluffs, Iowa, at the time of his retirement. Brother McDonald is a U.S. Coast Guard Veteran. DOUGLAS “DOUG” G. OWEN Retired member of LOCAL 179. Brother Owen retired in 2002 after 31 years of service with the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Owen was an Electronic Technician at JERRY W. RAPER Retired member of LOCAL 110.Brother Raper retired in 2005 after 34 years of service with the Southern Railroad and the Norfolk Southern Railway. Brother Raper was a Signal Maintainer at Newport, Tennessee, at the time of his retirement. Brother Raper is a U.S. Army Veteran. CALVIN “CAL” S. RICHINS Retired member of LOCAL 24. Brother Richins retired in 2002 after 34 years of service with the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Richins was a Signalman at Hooper, Utah, at the time of his retirement. KENNETH D. ROSS, SR. Retired member of LOCAL 206. Brother Ross retired in 2012 after 38 years of service with the Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Ross was a Signal Inspector at New Braunfels, Texas, at the time of his retirement. Brother Ross served as Local Trustee. Brother Ross is a U.S. Navy Veteran. CHRIS A. TAYLOR Retired member of LOCAL 161. Brother Taylor retired in 2018 after 38 years of service with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, and the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Taylor was Signal Inspector at Amarillo, Texas, at the time of his retirement. Brother Taylor served as Recording-Financial Secretary and Local Trustee. RONALD “RONNIE” D. WILLIAMS Retired member of LOCAL 72. Brother Williams retired in 2022 after 11 years of service with the Idaho & Sedalia Transportation Company. Brother Williams was a Signal Wireman at Sedalia, Missouri, at the time of his retirement. Q4 2023
JACK D. BOOTS Retired member of LOCAL 168. Brother Boots retired in 1993 after 45 years of service with the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, and the Chicago & North Western Railway. Brother Boots was a Signal Maintainer at Owatonna, Minnesota, at the time of his retirement. Brother Boots served as Local Chairman. Brother Boots is a U.S. Coast Guard Veteran. SAMUEL "Sam" J. BURCHFIELD Retired member of LOCAL 2. Brother Burchfield retired in 1991 after 44 years of service with the Pennsylvania Railroad and Conrail. Brother Burchfield was an Electronic Technician at Mingo Junction, Ohio, at the time of his retirement. Brother Burchfield is a U.S. Army Veteran. GEORGE “BOBBY” R. CAMPBELL, JR. Active member of LOCAL 16. Brother Campbell had 33 years of service with CSX Transportation. Brother Campbell was a Signal Shop Foreman at Savannah, Georgia, at the time of his passing. ROGER A. CHINADLE Active member of LOCAL 188. Brother Chinadle had 27 years of service with the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Chinadle was a Signal Electronic Technician at Spokane, Washington, at the time of his passing. PATRICK J. DILLON Active member of LOCAL 84. Brother Dillon had 20 years of service with the New Jersey Transit. Brother Dillon was a Lead Signalman at Newark, New Jersey, at the time of his passing. CHRIS DIXON Retired member of LOCAL 102. Brother Dixon retired in 2010 after 23 years of service with Amtrak. Brother Dixon was a Signalman at Penn Station at the time of his retirement. CURTIS “CURT” R. DOCKTER Retired member of LOCAL 226. Brother Dockter retired in 2004 after 37 years of service with the Soo Line Railroad. Brother Dockter was a Signalman at Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the time of his retirement. Brother Dockter served as Local President and Local Trustee. Brother Dockter is a U.S. Navy Veteran. HARRY E. GAW Retired member of LOCAL 55 passed away November 30, 2023. Brother Gaw retired in 1990 after 20 plus years of service with Norfolk Southern Railway. Brother Gaw was a Gang Assistant Signalman at the time of his retirement. Brother Gaw is a U.S. Army Veteran. JERRY “JAGAN” E. HAGAN, JR. Retired member of LOCAL 72. Brother Hagan retired in 2015 after 34 years of service with the Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Hagan was an Electronic Technician Inspector in Zone 4, at the time of his retirement. GENE M. HARSHBARGER Retired member of LOCAL 228. Brother Harshbarger retired in 1987 after 43 years of service with the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad, and the Norfolk & Western Railway. Brother Harshbarger was a Lead Signal Maintainer at Fort Wayne, Indiana, at the time of his retirement. Brother Harshbarger served as Local President, Recording-Financial Secretary, Local Chairman, and Local Trustee. Brother Harshbarger is a U.S. Army Veteran. EDGAR J. HOLMES Retired member of LOCAL 94. Brother Holmes retired in 2003 after 38 years of service with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and CSX Transportation. Brother Holmes was a Signal Inspector at Sumner, Illinois, at the time of his retirement. ANGELO L. JERNIGAN Active member of LOCAL 138. Brother Jernigan had 17 years of service with CSX Transportation. Brother Jernigan was a Signal Maintainer at Franklin, Virgina, at the time of his passing. VAUGHN E. JONES Retired member of LOCAL 21. Brother Jones retired in 2003 after 35 years of service with the Kansas City Terminal Railway and the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Jones was a Signal Foreman at Kansas City, Missouri, at the time of his retirement. GRANT E. LOVE Retired member of LOCAL 123. Brother Love retired in 2019 after 42 years of service with the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway and CSX Transportation. Brother Love was a Signalman at Saginaw, Michigan, at the time of his retirement. Brother Love served as Local President and Local Chairman. WILLIAM “BILL” G. McFERRON Retired member of LOCAL 129. Brother McFerron retired in 2013 after 39 years of service with the Burlington Northern Railroad and BNSF Railway Company. Brother McFerron was a Signal Maintainer at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, at the time of his retirement. Brother McFerron served as Recording-Financial Secretary. ROY NOLLER, JR. Retired member of LOCAL 94. Brother Noller retired in 1989 after 44 years of service with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and CSX Transportation. Brother Noller was a Signal Maintainer at Breese, Illinois, at the time of his retirement. LAWRENCE E. SIDERS Retired member of LOCAL 31. Brother Siders retired in 1992 after 30 years of service with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and CSX Transportation. Brother Siders was a Signal Maintainer at Clarksburg, West Virginia, at the time of his retirement. Brother Siders is a W.V. Army National Guard Veteran. FRED M. SPARKS Retired member of LOCAL 77. Brother Sparks retired in 1989 after 43 years of service with the Norfolk & Western Railway. Brother Sparks was a Signal Maintainer at Ironton, Ohio, at the time of his retirement. ALAN J. THIBAULT Retired member of LOCAL 120. Brother Thibault retired in 2010 after 34 years of service with the Boston & Maine Railroad, Amtrak, and the Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad. Brother Thibault was a Signal Inspector at the time of his retirement. ARTHUR “ART” T. WILSON Retired member of LOCAL 21. Brother Wilson retired in 2009 after 15 years of service with the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Wilson was a Vacation Relief Maintainer at Kansas City, Missouri, at the time of his retirement. Brother Wilson served as Local Trustee. Q3 2023
RODNEY “SHANE” S. COLE Active member of LOCAL 162. Brother Cole had 19 years of service with the Canadian National Railway. Brother Cole was a Signal Inspector in Fulton, Kentucky, at the time of his passing. Brother Cole served as Local President. ROBERT “BOB” H. DIEHL, SR. Retired member of LOCAL 130. Brother Diehl retired in 2005 after 14 years of service with the Chicago & North Western Railway and the Union Pacific Railroad. Brother Diehl was a Signalman at the time of his retirement. Brother Diehl is a U.S. Navy Veteran. JAMES G. GLOWACKI Retired member of LOCAL 225. Brother Glowacki retired in 2006 after 49 years of service with the New York Central Railroad and CSX Transportation. Brother Glowacki was a Signal Maintainer at Buffalo, New York, at the time of his retirement. Brother Glowacki served as Local Chairman and Local President. RONALD R. HAMEL Retired member of LOCAL 188. Brother Hamel retired in 2010 after 14 years of service with the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Hamel was a Signal Maintainer at Wolf Prairie, Montana, at the time of his retirement. CHESTER W. HAMPTON Retired member of LOCAL 34. Brother Hampton retired in 1992 after 28 years of service with the Southern Pacific Railroad. Brother Hampton was a Signal Maintainer at Dunsmuir, California, at the time of his retirement. JOHN “VANCE” V. HIGGINS Retired member of LOCAL 71. Brother Higgins retired in 2008 after 30 years of service with the Louisville & Nashville Railroad and CSX Transportation. Brother Higgins was a Signal Foreman at the time of his retirement. MARK Q. IVES Retired member of LOCAL 72. Brother Ives retired in 2019 after 43 years of service with the Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Ives was an Electronic Tech Inspector in Centertown, Missouri, at the time of his retirement. FRANK E. JONES Retired member of LOCAL 225. Brother Jones retired in 2015 after 40 years of service with Conrail and CSX Transportation. Brother Jones was a Maintainer Testman at Buffalo, New York, at the time of his retirement. Brother Jones served as Vice General Chairman, Local President, Local Chairman, and Recording-Financial Secretary. RONNY KING Retired member of LOCAL 49. Brother King retired in 2007 after 38 years of service with the Central of Georgia and Norfolk Southern Railways. Brother King was a Signal Maintainer at Columbus, Georgia, at the time of his retirement. Brother King served as Local President, Local Chairman, and General Committee Trustee. Brother King is a U.S. Army Veteran. P.E. KIRKPATRICK Retired member of LOCAL 178. Brother Kirkpatrick retired in 1985 after 37 years of service with the Louisville & Nashville and Seaboard Systems Railroads. Brother Kirkpatrick was a System Signal Construction Foreman in Birmingham, Alabama, at the time of his retirement. Brother Kirkpatrick served as a Chaplain. JOHN “BRAD” B. PARKER Retired member of LOCAL 141. Brother Parker retired in 2020 after 38 years of service with the Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Parker was a Maintenance Foreman at the time of his retirement. ADAM A. ROGOSKI, III Retired member of LOCAL 141. Brother Rogoski retired in 2009 after 36 years of service with the Texas and Pacific Railway and the Union Pacific Railroad. Brother Rogoski was a System Signal Inspector at Ranger, Texas, at the time of his retirement. Brother Rogoski served as Local Chairman and Local Trustee. Brother Rogoski is a U.S. Navy Veteran. WILBERT “BILL” N. SECREST Retired member of LOCAL 21. Brother Secrest retired in 1990 after 40 years of service with the Kansas City Terminal Railway. Brother Secrest was a Signal Maintainer at Kansas City, Missouri, at the time of his retirement. Brother Secrest served as Recording-Financial Secretary. Brother Secrest is a U.S. Navy Veteran. MARKUS A. SMITH Active member of LOCAL 16. Brother Smith had 16 years of service with CSX Transportation. Brother Smith was a Signal Maintainer at Union City, Georgia, at the time of his passing. ROBERT “BOB” SMITH Retired member of LOCAL 19. Brother Smith retired in 2006 after 35 years of service with the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Smith was a Signal Maintainer at Bloomington, California, at the time of his retirement. Q2 2023
CHARLES R. AHLERT, JR. Retired member of LOCAL 160. Brother Ahlert retired in 1999 after 40 years of service with the New York Central Railroad and Metra. Brother Ahlert was a Signal Foreman in Staten Island, New York, at the time of his retirement. Brother Ahlert served as Local Chairman and Recording-Financial Secretary. Brother AHlert is a U.S. Army Veteran. DAVID D. DALGARN Retired member of LOCAL 72. Brother Dalgarn retired in 2016 after 30 years of service with the Union Pacific Railroad. Brother Dalgarn was a Signal Shop Technician in Sedalia, Missouri, at the time of his retirement. ROBERT F. HAAGER Retired member of LOCAL 68. Brother Haager retired in 1994 after 42 years of service with the New York Central and Indiana Harbor Belt Railroads. Brother Haager was an Assistant Signal Inspector at Gibson, Indiana, at the time of his retirement. LAWRENCE A. HEREK Retired member of LOCAL 8. Brother Herek retired in 2007 after 34 years of service with the Union Pacific Railroad.Brother Herek was an Electronic Technician in Council Bluffs, Iowa, at the time of his retirement. LELAND D. HULL Retired member of LOCAL 68. Brother Hull retired in 2004 after 25 years of service with Conrail. Brother Hull was a Signalman at the time of his retirement. Brother Hull is a U.S. Navy Veteran. THEODORE C. BOEDEKER, JR. Retired member of LOCAL 121. Brother Boedeker retired in 1991 after 43 years of service with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railways. Brother Boedeker was a Signal Maintainer in Clifton, Texas, at the time of his retirement. Brother Boedeker served as Local President, Recording-Financial Secretary, and Local Trustee. Brother Boedeker is a U.S. Army Veteran. JOHN K. DUNN Retired member of LOCAL 154.Brother Dunn retired in 2012 after 23 years of service with the Burlington Northern Railroad and the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Dunn was a Signal Maintainer at Devils Lake, North Dakota, at the time of his retirement. Brother Dunn is a U.S. Army Veteran. JEROME "JERRY" H. HEDMAN Retired member of LOCAL 154. Brother Hedman retired in 1989 after 34 years of service with the Great Northern and Burlington Northern Railroads. Brother Hedman was a Supervisor of Control Systems at Carlton, Minnesota, at the time of his retirement. GARY M. HOUSER Active member of LOCAL 156. Brother Houser had 25 years of service with the Burlington Northern Railroad and the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Houser was a Signal Maintainer at Goffs, California, at the time of his passing. CHRIS R. JACKSON Retired member of LOCAL 16. Brother Jackson retired in 2015 after 40 years of service with the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad and CSX Transportation. Brother Jackson was a Signal Maintainer at Folkston, Georgia, at the time of his retirement. BRUCE A. BRINKER Retired member of LOCAL 8. Brother Brinker retired in 2022 after 44 years of service with the Union Pacific Railroad. Brother Brinker was a Signal Maintainer in North Platte, Nebraska, at the time of his retirement. MICHAEL L. GLEASON Retired member of LOCAL 72. Brother Gleason retired in 2005 after 37 years of service with the Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Gleason was a Relay Repair-man in Sedalia, Missouri, at the time of his retirement. HERMAN HEILMAN Retired member of LOCAL 154. Brother Heilman retired in 1988 after 34 years of service with the Great Northern and Burlington Northern Railroads. Brother Heilman was a CTC Signal Maintainer at Campbell, Minnesota, at the time of his retirement. Brother Heilman served as Local Chairman and Local Trustee. Brother Heilman is a U.S. Army Veteran. DOUGLAS P. HUDSON, JR. Active member of LOCAL 119. Brother Hudson had 10 years of service with the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Hudson was a Signal Maintainer in Gillette, Wyoming, at the time of his passing. LARRY W. JOHNSON Retired member of LOCAL 154. Brother Johnson retired in 2020 after 32 years of service with the Burlington Northern Railroad and the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Johnson was a Signal Maintainer in Minot, North Dakota, at the time of his retirement. GREGORY S. KELLER Retired member of LOCAL 77. Brother Keller retired in 2018 after 39 years of service with the Norfolk & Western and Norfolk Southern Railways. Brother Keller was a System Gang Signalman in Portage, Indiana, at the time of his retirement. JAMES E. KEOUGH Retired member of LOCAL 80. Brother Keough retired in 2009 after 34 years of service with the Penn Central Transportation Company and CSX Transportation. Brother Keough was a Signal Maintainer at Little Falls, New York, at the time of his retirement. Brother Keough served as Local Chairman. ALLAN L. KLIMSON Retired member of LOCAL 183. Brother Klimson retired in 2007 after 40 years of service with the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad and Metra. Brother Klimson was a Signal Testman at Tinley Park, Illinois, at the time of his retirement. Brother Klimson served as Recording-Financial Secretary and General Secretary-Treasurer. RAYMOND A. NELSON Retired member of LOCAL 109. Brother Nelson retired in 2002 after 42 years of service with the Erie Railroad and the Norfolk Southern Railway. Brother Nelson was a Signal Maintainer in Greenville, Pennsylvania, at the time of his retirement. Brother Nelson served as Recording-Financial Secretary. GLYNN N. OGDEN Retired member of LOCAL 16. Brother Ogden retired in 2016 after 40 years of service with the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad and CSX Transportation. Brother Ogden was a Lead Signalman at the time of his retirement. JAMES L. RHINES Retired member of LOCAL 229. Brother Rhines retired in 2010 after 40 years of service with the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Rhines was a Signal Technician in Roseville, California, at the time of his retirement. DANNY L. ROBINSON, JR. Active member of LOCAL 16. Brother Robinson had 10 years of service with CSX Transportation. Brother Robinson was a Signal Maintainer at Line of Road, at the time of his passing. ROBERT ROLLINS Retired member of LOCAL 179. Brother Rollins retired in 1998 after 42 years of service with the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. Brother Rollins was a Signal Maintainer at Gridley, California, at the time of his retirement. NORMAN A. SEGGERMAN Active member of LOCAL 14. Brother Seggerman had 37 years of service with the Grand Trunk Western Railroad and the Canadian National Railway. Brother Seggerman was a Signal Inspector in South Bend, Indiana, at the time of his passing. RAYMOND B. VOGTS Retired member of LOCAL 65. Brother Vogts retired in 1998 after 42 years of service with the Pennsylvania Railroad, Penn Central Transportation Company, Conrail, and Amtrak. Brother Vogts was a Signal Maintainer in Bowie, Maryland, at the time of his retirement. Brother Vogts served as Local Trustee. Brother Vogts is a U.S. National Guard Veteran. ISAAC F. WATKINS Retired member of LOCAL 16. Brother Watkins retired in 2022 after 40 years of service with CSX Transportation. Brother Watkins was a Signal Maintainer in Tampa, Florida, at the time of his retirement. RONALD D. WELLS Retired member of LOCAL 33. Brother Wells retired in 2004 after 30 years of service with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, and the BNSF Railway Company. Brother Wells was a Signal Maintainer at Cassoday, Kansas, at the time of his retirement. RICHARD "DICK" A. WIESNER Retired member of LOCAL 5. Brother Wiener retired in 1995 after 30 years of service with the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, and Amtrak. Brother Wiener was a Signal Maintainer at Windsor, Connecticut, at the time of his retirement. Brother Wiener is a U.S. Army Veteran.
Page Last Updated: Dec 12, 2024 (08:09:04)